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Neglect is one of the Most Common Marriage Problems

It has taken me a long time to realise that there is more to life than work. As the years pass you by you soon learn that our time on this planet is limited and we need to make the most of it. Do you really want to fall foul of one of those common marriage problems and be sitting their in 20 years, on your own, looking back on your life and wishing you had done things differently.

I've seen a lot of marriages over the years end in divorce because one partner is obsessed with work or, more particularly, feels a compelling need to spend far more nights away from home than they need to due to corporate pressure.

Working excessively long hours, travelling a lot and constantly leading separate lives is bound to put a strain on your relationship and I’ve only ever met a handful of couples who are truly comfortable with, at best, a weekend marriage. 

How many partners spend their whole life at work, rarely seeing their children and having little time for their spouse? No wonder families grow apart.

If you are serious about saving your marriage and resolving one of the most common marriage problems sort the work balance issues that plague your life.

Those early years, when your children are growing up are very special and are years that can never be recaptured. Not only are you and/or your partner losing out but you could be stressing your children who often struggle with the concept of work being more important than them and what is going on in their lives.

Don’t get me wrong, it can sometimes work, but usually only when both partners are consumed by work and driven by ambition and when there are no children involved. Even then, long working hours, business diners and weeks away can put an exceptional strain on a relationship.  

When one partner works less hours or is at home looking after the children they often feel abandoned, unwanted and unloved. They can quickly learn to resent their partners time away from home and start stressing about possible affairs. Loneliness can become a real issue, even when children are involved with the lack of adult company often becoming unbearable.

If work balance is an issue in your relationship put a stop to it now, common marriage problems before it's too late! It's time to sit down and discuss what is most important in your lives. There is always a compromise:

Perhaps a change of jobs

Maybe the re-juggling of finances

A whole new way of life

Or just becoming more organised at work.

Don't let life pass you buy and watch your loved ones walk away, nothing is impossible and that dream is within your grasp, refocus and save your marriage now.

Author: Terry Ross


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