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Cheating Wives



So much emphasis is put on cheating husbands that people often loose site of the increasing dalliances of cheating wives.

It is becoming more and more common for wives to cheat on their husbands, with over 50% of women cheating at some point during their married lives, often in pursuit of the feel good factor and the thrill that cheating on their partners brings.


Historically not so much emphasis was placed on romance, fulfilment and desire with most women accepting their lot. Intimacy was rarely spoken about and women had minimal experience and little knowledge as to what fulfilment truly meant.


Now it’s different, on the back of greater knowledge, women now actively seek sexual fulfilment and many are unsatisfied with partners who haven’t learned how to bring passion and excitement into their lovemaking. Cheating wives have now moved beyond the stage where they are prepared to accept their lot, they crave passionate and fulfilling lovemaking rather than boring sex and are prepared to seek their thrills outside of the marital bed.


For some cheating wives safe and secure is no longer at the top of the shopping list with many women living for today and throwing caution to the wind.


Often wives cheat on their partners when they are left to fend for themselves, put to the bottom of the pecking order for quality time with work and the golf course at the top of the list. Those women, who are not working, find it particularly hard with little adult company and too much time to think about what a fulfilling relationship truly means. It’s so easy to stray when you are left on your own day after day, craving affection, feeling undervalued, visualizing romance but rarely experiencing it first hand.  


Husbands can get so rapped up in that career mode that they fail to see or hear the frustrations of their wife or don’t understand why their wives feel abandoned. Many of them are truly shocked when they first find out about the new relationships of their cheating wives.


It is so easy to cheat nowadays, with partners spending so much time alone and even with kids there are so many single parents that it’s almost inevitable that at some point the opportunity to cheat will be handed to wives on a plate. For many, such opportunities are ignored but for those who have little intimacy at home or those who seek the thrills that an extramarital affair will bring it can be just too hard to pass up.


Some wives just cheat on their husbands to gain attention, using it as a cry for help hoping that they will get caught without giving any thought to the possible repercussions it might bring. The cheating wives fail to see that when they do get caught, their husbands will find the cheating hard to forgive and probably won’t see or understand it to be as a result of their neglect.


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